International Workshop “Interventional therapy in complex lesions of the left ventricle”, May 24th-26th, 2021

The AngioNet research team within the Emergency Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases and Transplantation (IUBCvT), the only performing center for pediatric cardiovascular surgery and cardiac transplant in Romania, hosted an innovative workshop between May 24th and 26th, 2021. 

Focused on replacing a pulmonary valve through a non-invasive, angiography procedure, the workshop has been initiated as part of the AngioNet’s project research phase, based on the angiography machine and materials purchased with European funds. 

Echipa care a făcut posibil acest workshop (de la stânga la dreapta): dr. Anca Sglimbea, prof. dr. Andreas Eicken, dr. Daniel Tănase, dr. Mariana Ciorba, prof. dr. Horaţiu Suciu, prof. dr. Radu Deac.

The workshop main objectives Scopul lui a fost de a instrui rezidenții și de a demonstra competențele profesionale ale echipei IUBCvT în metoda de înlocuire percutană, intervențională, a valvei pulmonare la copii, în vederea adoptării acestei proceduri în România. Procedura aduce beneficii majore micilor pacienți, de la siguranța sporită și până la reducerea semnificativă a perioadei de spitalizare și recuperare și evitarea unei noi intervenții chirurgicale la pacienții care au trecut și vor mai trece prin operații invazive datorită patologiilor cardiace pe care le au. Însă, în prezent, pacienții care necesită acest tip de procedură sunt trimiși în centre din străinătate

The research for the project as well as its implementation were overseen by Dr. Anca Sglimbea and Dr. Hadadi Laszlo, both interventional cardiologists, as well as their anesthesia and ICU colleagues: Dr. Sorin Pașcanu, Dr. Roxana Toma, Dr. Pavel Morar and Dr. Carmen Sircuta. For safety and backup reasons, the interventional team was seconded by the institute’s surgical team: Dr. Horațiu Suciu, Dr. Marius Matei, Dr. Claudiu Chivu and the pediatric cardiology team in Târgu Mureș IUBCvT’s Cardiology Clinic, lead by Dr. Amalia Făgărășan.

The Romanian medical team was assisted by German specialists from the Deutsches Herzzentrum München: Prof. Dr. Andreas Eicken, Head of the Pediatric Cardiac Catheter Lab, and Dr. Daniel Tănase, interventional pediatric cardiologist.

During the workshop:

  • Approx 100 residents and specialists viewed the procedures both online and on the premises during the 3 days of the event.
  • 11 difficult cases were presented by the residents and discussed with the Romanian and German specialists.
  • 3 angiography procedures were performed and shown live in the amphitheatre and online for the interested residents and specialists to learn from.

One of the procedures saved the heart of a few-month-old patient that would have had no other chance to receive the treatment in Romania.

The full schedule of the workshop can be downloaded here.